Living a healthy life is not exactly an easy thing to do. However, with dedication and discipline, it can be achieved and will come with a lot of benefits. Human biology is a complex structure that requires due diligence to enhance the best function of its various systems.

This is often influenced by the lifestyle choices we make. It is therefore, necessary for an individual to pay keen attention to the state of their body and to adopt positive measures to ensure a good quality of life.

9 Benefits of Living a Healthy Life

1. Optimizes performance

The various organs in the human body are able to function best when we conform to healthy habits. For the organs to perform efficiently, they must be properly nourished. This could be altered by our nutrient intake as well as our dietary habits. The key to this, is to cut down the intake of sugar and processed food and consume more fruits and vegetables. Consumption of fruits and vegetables is strongly linked to the development of better mental health. Physical activity is also a major tool for enhancing the general performance of the body.

2. Reduces the chances of diseases and illnesses

Diseases and illnesses affect millions of people worldwide and pose a considerable risk overall, to welfare. Alzheimer, for instance, is known to reduce cognitive abilities leading to failure to remember and process information. Heart diseases in their prolonged state may result in other complications such as disorders of the brain, kidneys, and other organs. It is very important that healthy habits are incorporated into our daily lives in order to eliminate any chance of disease and illness. Fruits and vegetables contain certain antioxidants that provide protective benefits against harmful substances. These substances can lead to diseases such as cancers, heart disorders and diabetes, according to research.

3. Enhances alertness

Alertness is the ability of an individual to concentrate, make good decisions and be fully aware of their actions as well as their surroundings. It has been proven that having adequate sleep and a regular sleep-wake cycle, has a positive effect on alertness and awareness. Studies suggest that overconsumption of fat may have an adverse impact on alertness, along with the body’s ability to perform properly. In view of this, individuals must reduce fat intake and instead, consume the recommended amount of carbohydrates.

4. Maintains body weight

The incidence of body weight disorders can be traced to lifestyle habits and wrong dietary choices. Physical activity is known to manage body weight by reducing the body’s calories. To ensure that one maintains a steady and healthy weight, the individual must consume food rich in fibres. However, it is sometimes required of an individual to restrict their diet by eating a very low-calorie diet, practicing intermittent fasting and an alternating day fast. According to research, dietary restriction extends life span and reduces total and visceral fat mass.

5. Reduces stress

The definition of good health constitutes the body’s ability to react to stressful events; failure to cope can indicate an abnormality. Nonetheless, too much stress interferes with the body’s ability to function efficiently. Prolonged stress causes overstimulation of the nervous system, increasing in blood pressure, heart rate and slowing the motility of the gut. Sound sleep is reported to minimize stress. Therefore, it is recommended that individuals get between 7 to 8 hours of nightly sleep. It is also necessary, that an individual takes time away from the excessive demands of work in order to reduce stress.

6. Improves learning ability

This is a skill that enables a person to grasp information, think critically and creatively, as well as e relay learned information. This is further determined by a person’s cognitive ability to concentrate, focus and retain memory. Childhood malnutrition is linked to poor cognitive ability in children and adults. Vitamin B12 is known to improve memory and concentration. Therefore, individuals should consume food rich in vitamin B12 and eat a balanced diet, with all nutritional requirements. Regular exercise can also enhance intellect, as during exercise, blood flow to the area of the brain responsible for learning increases

7. Enhances work productivity

When healthy habits like being aware of one’s posture, drinking lots of water, adhering to safety measures and others are implemented, it enhances work productivity. Instead of eating unhealthy snacks, workers should replace them with fruits and vegetables. Individuals should chip in intermittent stretch breaks after at least every 30 minutes of work. By doing so, a worker reduces the chance of developing work-related illnesses such as backaches, muscles strains, injuries, and vision problems. According to health and safety statistics, 1.4 million people suffered from a work-related illness within 2017-2018.

8. Fosters good relationships

A healthy individual communicates well, respects and understands others, all of which are qualities required of a good relationship. When a person is physically, mentally, and emotionally fit, there is the likelihood of making better relationships with others. This could be a relationship with a friend, a colleague, a family member, a partner or even strangers. Meditation is known to boosts empathy and compassion, which are key to networking and making good associations.

9. Ensures a good Quality of Life (QOL)

The concept of quality of life is broad, as it pertains to the overall well-being of an individual and the public at large. It includes a person’s physical health, personal beliefs, mental state, social functioning, as well as its effect on their surroundings. Good quality of life reflects on the overall satisfaction of an individual in all aspects of life. This ranges from employment, relationships, security, ambitions, sexual function and perceived health status.
